Lippia alba

Scientific name: Lippia alba (Mill.) N.E. Br.
Botanical family: VERBENACEAE

Vernacular names

(In territories with significant traditional TRAMIL use)


  • brisée
  • lamerik


  • malojillo extranjero
  • poleo
  • Santa María
  • toronjil


  • mastranto

Puerto Rico:

  • poleo

Saint Martin:

  • ti bouch

Other vernacular names

Botanical description

Aromatic shrub, 1 to 2 m in height, branches long, slender and flexible like willow stems (osier-like), decumbent, lower basal branches can become long rooting suckers, densely puberulent or strigose.  Leaves opposite or ternate, briefly petiolate, 2-6 (rarely 9) cm long and 1.2-4.5 cm wide, oblong, corrugate, crenate, covered with short small hairs (pubescent) and prominent veins.  Inflorescences in globose axillary heads, cylindrical upon fructification.  Bracts ovate, acuminate, the inferior ones mucronate.  Flowers zygomorphic; calyx 1.5-1.7 mm in length and accrescent when ripe; corolla purple with yellow and white fauces (the throat of a gamopetalous corolla), pink or white, 4 to 5 mm in length.  Fruit obovoid, 3 mm in diameter.









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