Citrus sinensis

Tree 6 -12 m tall with spines. Leaves ovate or oval-elliptic 5-15 cm x 2-8 cm, glabrous dark green above, margins serrate, petiole narrowly winged and articulate; flowers axillary, born single or in small racemes, 2-3cm in diameter, white, aromatic; fruit subglobose or oval, 4-12 cm in diameter, peel thick, ripening orange colour but often remaining green in the tropics, pulp sweet and juicy, seeds nil to many obovoid.

Citrus limetta

Tree or shrub, with thick thorns.  Leaves 5 to 7.5 cm in length, elliptic-ovate, crenate; petiole narrowly winged.  Flowers white.  Fruit pale yellow, smooth, 5 to 7 cm in diameter.  Juice sweet but insipid.

Citrus aurantium

Tree, up to 10 m tall with slender thorns. Leaf blade 7-20 cm x 7 cm; widely winged petiole; flowers axillary, white 4 cm; fruit, globose, 7-8 cm in diameter, somewhat flat at the top, peel thick, rough and strongly aromatic, pulp acidic and bitter, seeds numerous.

Cissus verticillata

Climbing plant up to 20 m or more, glabrous with tendril; stem cylindrical often with hanging roots, branches articulate.  Leaves alternate, simple, oblong to ovate, 5-15 cm x 7.5 cm, hairy to smooth, with slightly dentate edge. Inflorescence a cyme two-three times branched; flowers light yellow; fruits a berry, purple-black, 8-10 mm long, with a single seed.

Cissampelos pareira

Climbing shrub up to 5 m long.  Leaf alternate, simple, entire, hairy, rounded, cordate or peltate, 2-12 cm x 2-10 cm, petioles 3-7 cm long; male inflorescence a panicle, female inflorescence a simple cyme; male flowers white tinged maroon female flowers clustered in axils of rounded bracts; fruit a red drupe 4-5 mm long.

Cinnamomum verum

Tree 8-15 m tall, bark very aromatic.  Leaves opposite and subopposite, up to 15 cm long, prominently three-nervate from the base to near the apex, shiny above, glabrous below, ovate to elliptic-lanceolate, round on the base; inflorescence a panicle, flowers small whitish-yellow; fruit a berry 1-1.2 cm long, 0.7 cm in diameter.

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