Dysphania ambrosioides 

Bushy taprootedherb, erect, up to 1.5 m, highly aromaticwith a strong garlic-like smell. Lower leaves, sinuate-dentate, 5-8 cm x 1-2cm, upper leaves smaller with smooth margin; inflorescences are cymes, flowers clustered, greenish, perianth 1 mm long; fruit a utricle, seeds red-brown, smooth, ovoid 0.7-0.8 mm long.

Chamissoa altissima

Low weedy shrub or climbing vine up to 25 m with stem ca. 3 cm thick, older stems ribbed. Leaves alternate, elliptical to lanceolate 6-14 cm x 8 cm; inflorescence a panicle; flowers, greenish-yellow, 3-4 mm.; fruit a 1-seeded utricle (bladder- like), seeds black, discoid, enveloped in a blue translucent aril.



Catharanthus roseus

Herb or subshrub, up to 80 cm tall, with white milky latex. Leaves opposite, elliptic or oblong 2-7 cm x 1.5cm; Flowers in 2-3 clusters or solitary, with 5 petals, ranging from white to greenish-yellow to rose-pink to reddish purple, and corolla tube inflated below the limb; fruit a follicle, cylindrical, 1.5-3.5 cm long.

Catalpa longissima

Tree up to 25 m tall. Leaves simple, opposite in whorls, ovate-lanceolate 5-14 cm x 2-5.5 cm; inflorescence a panicle, flowers 2.5-3cm long x 3-3.4cm wide, white with pink lobes, yellow inside, with purple lines and yellow bands; fruit a capsule 35-77 cm x 4 mm; seeds feathery at both ends.

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