Citrus aurantium
Vernacular names
(In territories with significant traditional TRAMIL use)
- naranja agria
- naranja de babor
- naranja agria
- naranja de babor
Puerto Rico:
- naranja agria
- naranja de babor
Dominican Republic:
- naranja agria, naranja de babor
- oranger amer
- zowanj anmè
- sour orange
- zowanj gospo
- zowanj si
Botanical description
Tree, up to 10 m tall with slender thorns. Leaf blade 7-20 cm x 7 cm; widely winged petiole; flowers axillary, white 4 cm; fruit, globose, 7-8 cm in diameter, somewhat flat at the top, peel thick, rough and strongly aromatic, pulp acidic and bitter, seeds numerous.
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34 MARTINEZ MJ, MOREJON Z, LOPEZ M, BOUCOURT E, FUENTES V, MORON F, 2005 Clases tóxicas agudas (CTA) de una infusión de corteza de fruto fresco de Citrus aurantium L.Informe TRAMIL. Laboratorio Central de Farmacología, Facultad de Ciencias Médicas “Dr. Salvador Allende”, La Habana, Cuba.
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