Vernacular names
(In territories with significant traditional TRAMIL use)
St Vincent and Grenadines:
- ginger
Saint Lucia:
- ginger
Antigua and Barbuda:
- ginger
- ginger
- ginger
Puerto Rico:
- ginger
- jengibre
- jengibre
- jengibre
- jengibre
Costa Rica:
- jengibre
Botanical description
Herb 30-100 cm high, with robust, branched, rhizome near the surface of the soil. Leaves, 5-25 x 1-3 cm, linear-lanceolate, sessile, with acute apex and cuneate base, glabrous; inflorescence cylindrical, spikes 4-7 x 1.5-2.5 cm, corolla yellowish-green; flower produced in the axil of yellowish bracts; fruit a three-valved capsule with small black arillate seeds.
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